If you get lucky enough to stumble upon a picture of an ancestor through an internet image search, fantastic! If not, it may require you to dig a little bit deeper. As more documents and photographs are available online, there are a lot of places to search. It can be overwhelming deciding where to start. Make sure you note in your research log where you’ve already checked so you don’t duplicate your search efforts by mistake.
I found a new resource today.
On Digital State Archives you can search by all 50 US states to view available online records, including photographs, that may be available to you. The site lists all 50 states with direct links to resources available.
Helpful Hints:
- Some states and regions of the US have embraced digital archiving more than others. I love you Illinois and Iowa! Sadly, New York, you have a long way to go.
- Some resources may not be indexed. That means your search may take a bit longer. Or it may require you to search by something besides a name. This is when it’s helpful to bust out those census records to remind you where your ancestors lived or what they were doing for work.
- If there aren’t specific pictures of them, there may be photographs that help you understand what their life was like based on the geography, neighbors, and industry they worked in. Fern Goff worked in an citrus packing plant like the one pictured here.
- You may have to poke around a bit to see if there is anything you can use. If you don’t find a picture, there may be some other precious genealogical nugget to mine from papers and records that may be with the files in addition to photographs.
Im trying to get photos of my father or ancestor My father name was Carlos Morales Guzman. He was born In San Juan Puerto moth of birth 11/1917 Date of Death 3/2/1981
Hi Daniel! Did your father spend his entire life in Puerto Rico? Have you joined any of the Puerto Rican Genealogy Facebook Communities yet? That may be helpful. I also have 2 genea-friends that specialize in research there Theresa Vega and Ellen Fernandez-Sacco . They have both been repeat guest panelists on Black Pro Gen Live YouTube show. The more you know about his life, where he lived, his occupation, who his friends were, the better you’ll know where to research for pictures. Good luck!