The holiday season makes me think about all of our family traditions. (And all of the glorious food) I thought that I would share one of my favorite Thanksgiving traditions. (You can add this to your list of family reunion ideas as well. ) In 2002, I wanted a special post- dinner activity we could do as a family.
In previous years we had played games. Several years, we went around the table saying what we were thankful for. Most of the time, we would get distracted, or repeat the same things. (Of course you’re going to say you’re thankful for your family if they are sitting next to you right?) As we grew older, and more people were added to Thanksgiving dinners, I decided to create a Thanksgiving scrapbook.
I rolled my scrapbook tote, 12×12 papers and stickers to my aunt and uncle’s house. I asked each person at dinner to create a page highlighting what they were most thankful for over the past year. Everyone who came to dinner, got to create a page.
There are pages from missionaries visiting from out of town, ex-boyfriends and a foreign exchange student from Japan.
There are elaborate drawings from my talented, artistic cousins.
There are pages reflecting family announcements of new babies, and pages marking difficult years. Sometimes, making it through the year is what you’re most thankful for.
The worst year of my life 2004. Even the paper is black!
Genealogy Jen’s Weekly Challenge- If you’re spending time with family, document it. Take pictures and record memories from distant relatives. Bonus Points– Create your family favorite holiday food, and send everyone home with the recipe, and a story about it.
Happy Thanksgiving!
You can read the letter I wrote in response to my 2004 scrapbook page here.
repurposedgenealogy – What a fantastic idea. The children and grandchildren in the family will enjoy watching themselves grow up in this “Family History”.