I ran a marathon.
I thought I could, and I did.
I cried so many times Saturday before, during, and after my race. Not just because of physical pain, but because I was so overwhelmed with how it felt to achieve something that has been on my bucket list for over two decades.
I started crying after I read this. I told him congratulations, and that I had lost over 100 lbs myself.
The longest distance I ran during my training was 20 miles. I was anxious as I lined up with the slowest pace team that they had available, at the back – 5 hours and 30 minutes.
As I looked around at the other runners, I realized they were regular people in all shapes and sizes. Our pace leader let us know that he walked quickly up every hill. He jogs the rest of the time. He has paced over 40 marathons and completed over 100.
He was 67 years old.
Before the race, I met Mr. McGregor who was 72, and attempting his 237th marathon.
There were people representing 49 of the 50 US states and 42 different countries to run St. George. (Don’t ask me which state was missing, because they didn’t tell us.)
I know that I can do anything now.
I have run a marathon.
In the couple of weeks leading up to the race. I had felt discouraged, and was questioning why I was bothering to attempt something like that. I had trained, and prepared physically to the best of my abilities, but doubted if I would actually be able to do it.
It helped when Paul wrote me a motivational letter. When I voiced my doubts with my response, I received encouragement from all of you as well.
As a writer, I believe that words have power. I realized that the words that I was filling my mind with via my internal dialogue were roadblocks creating anxiety. To help offset the negative talk, I decided to drown them out with your words.
I created visual reminders to wear.
I decorated my race shoes shoe box.
I made myself a scrapbook with words of encouragement.
I started with words of encouragement from you.
Most of the people who read my blog have never met me in real life. You live all over the world. You took the time to offer me strength when I wasn’t feeling very strong.
Thank you.
I cut, pasted and formatted your words.
I reviewed my Facebook timeline and added words of encouragement friends and family have given me about running as I’ve worked toward my goal.
I added them to my book as well.
I included pictures in my scrapbook. I took while training, over the past 6 months.
I read my book several times a day to remind me of your words. I read your words the morning of my race, when I had to catch a bus at 3:45 am to the start line. I carried your words with me during the 5+ hours it took for me to run 26.2 miles last Saturday.
Thank you.
I have seen a lot during the hundreds of hours I’ve spent running over the past few months. Running has given me time to reflect on natural beauty in our world. I have been able to work through problems that weigh on my mind. I use the time to plan and focus on what’s important.
Most days, I enjoy running now.
I have focused more on my endurance, my physical strength and my energy level.
Running has changed who I am.
Running has changed the way that I see myself.
Running has changed the way that I see the world around me.
Just because I love it, you don’t have to love running, or run a marathon.
I am sure that there is something that you have wanted to do for a long time.
You probably have a big goal or dream you have pushed aside because you’re too busy, or the timing isn’t right. Maybe you have put your dream aside because you just don’t see how you could possibly accomplish what ever it is.
But you can.
Even if you don’t really believe it’s possible yet, I believe you can do it.
My 39th fear is doing my best and failing. I was afraid after training for 6 months, that something would go wrong during the race, and I wouldn’t finish it.
Something did go wrong.
Actually, a couple of things did, but it didn’t matter, because I had already decided that no matter what, I was going to keep running.
When my legs started cramping up at mile 18, I kept running.
When I could feel my brain getting foggy from heat exhaustion as I ran in sweltering desert conditions, I tucked a bag of ice in my sports bra, shoved ice down my back, and poured water over my head.
I kept running.
I have run through sunsets, and watched sunrises. I have run around lakes, beside rivers and along the ocean. I have run on roads, sidewalks, trails, sand, and gravel. I have run through desert heat, and over frozen snow patched ground. I have run, with the noise of the city, through East L.A.. I have run with only the sounds of nature. I have run through injury, sickness, pain, and fatigue, and I didn’t quit.
I have run with strangers, like Edwardo who meets vacationers at the Marriott timeshare at 6 am for a guided beach run. I was the only one crazy enough to show up that early to run on my vacation, but it was worth it.
But mostly, I have run by myself.
I know that it is possible to accomplish anything now, because I did something I didn’t think I could.
I ran a marathon.
Genealogy Jen’s Challenge of the Week– What’s one goal that you haven’t accomplished yet, that you’ve been too afraid to attempt ?
Congratulations! 😀 I will try to run a marathon soon 🙂
Thank you. I would love to hear about it when you do.
I posted a comment last night but I’m not sure it worked properly…
I’m so proud of you, Jen! Thank you for allowing me to be a small tiny part of this. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again – seeing you face your fears and accomplish your goals is inspiring to me and so many others. Congratulations, you deserve it!
Thanks Paul. You were a big part of me making it through to the finish line. I even had the “one foot in front of the other” ribbon. (I gave it to a friend to inspire her to dream big.) My 40th birthday is less than 4 months away. I was staring at my list on my wall of my 40 fears I haven’t touched on yet. There are some heavy hitters left. Some of them are going to be the kind of soul exposing posts like I had to do for fears 23 saying I’m a writer, and 38 reaching my ideal weight. The hardest things to write though, are usually the most important things. On my trail run today, I was able to work through my strategy of what I can do to mentally prepare for it. It can be emotionally exhausting to primarily write personal narratives… at least like most of the ones I do, because it is so exposing. I’m still afraid of being vulnerable, though a lot less than when I started. Okay, way less. On the plus side, I now have the confidence to focus on writing a novel after I turn 40, because I will be 40 and fearless. Plus, writing a book has got to be easier than training for a marathon right? (This is the part where you laugh at me underestimating how much time and grit it will take me, and will lovingly chide me with 6 months into my project when I feel like tearing out my hair in frustration.)Thank you for your continuing support through my journey as I Become.
Inspiring and perfectly written, as always! You are an inspiration!
Thanks Becca!
Congratualtions Jen! I don’t run. I never liked sports. Since 2007 I’ve been riding a bike. It began with 500 km (310 miles) the first year and has slowly gone up to an average of about 5,000 a year. The first time I rode 100 km we were a few hundred meters short. My trainer/mechanic/riding buddy/husband said we’d have to ride into town and back to our house to reach 100. I said, “I just want to go home.” I felt sick the rest of the day and the next. It’s gotten easier. I rode over 100 km three times this year with one being 117 km in 4 and a half hours. I’m not getting younger and at 58 I need to do something to compensate for the hours I spend doing genealogy and writing for my blog.
Thanks! I love biking. Great job! It’s a lot easier on my body than running when I bike. I did a few rides for cross training this summer. I’ve decided that I’m going to work on training for triathlons again. I don’t like to swim, but it’s wonderful for overall body conditioning to run, bike, swim and lift weights.
They have a famous road bike race the STP where you ride from Seattle to Portland. I’d like to do that before I am 50. There are lots of mountain bike trails here. I get nervous about taking too many physical risks the older I get though. The roads aren’t in the best of shape here in the mountains, because they are under snow so much of the year. However, there is a store that has snow bikes. They are beefy mountain bikes with huge tires you ride through the snow. I might need to rent one to try it. I am also planning on snow shoeing this winter. That vitamin D helps a lot. It’s more exciting than staying in place on my treadmill too.
Congratulations! You are an inspiration!
Congratulations! I would love to say I’ve done as much as a half marathon. But I quit running a couple years ago after peaking with a second 10k. Since then, I’ve tried to get back into running, but I just haven’t been able to motivate myself. And now, it feels like I have to start from the beginning all over again. I really need to though. As crazy as it sounds, I kind of miss it. Really, I miss not being winded when I walk to my car.
Start slowly. You don’t have to run a marathon to be kind to your body.