A couple of months ago, as Trump’s nomination to lead the party I have primarily aligned myself with politically, I wrote this. I felt like the main character in Green Eggs and Ham as my husband and others around me tried to get me to like Donald Trump.
Try him, Try him.
At the end of the book, he tries the eggs, and loves them. That’s not how I feel about Mr. Trump. My disdain for him has grown as time passes. In less than a month, I will vote for a Democrat for President for the first time since I started voting over 20 years ago.
My 36th fear is making the wrong decision. I can spend hours over analyzing the pros and cons of a situation. I run through worst case scenarios. I make lists. I usually lose sleep.
The thing I realized today though, is when I finally do make up my mind, I can stand confidently behind my decision. I rarely regret what I decide to do.
Though I endorsed John Gault for President months ago, I haven’t heard from him at all. No one has. Plus, as often as I’ve hoped that it would come, The Rapture hasn’t happened yet.
I’m with her.
Campaign Stump By Genealogy Jen Inspired by Green Eggs and Ham By Dr. Suess
I am Campaign. Election Day am I.
–That Election Day! That Election Day! I do not like that Campaign Stump!
Hey, will you vote for Donald Trump?
–I do not like him, Campaign Stump.
–I do not like The Donald Trump.
Would you vote him? Versus her?
–I would not vote for him nor her.
-But forced to choose, I’m with her.
–I do not like The Donald Trump.
-I can not choose him, Campaign Stump.
Will you vote him? Save The House? Or help avoid a Senate oust?
-I will not vote him to save The House or to avoid a Senate oust. I would not vote for him nor her. But forced to choose, I’m with her. I do not like The Donald Trump. I can not choose him, Campaign Stump.
Would you vote him? Just check the box. Would you, if he’s endorsed by FOX?
–Not check the box. Not endorsed by FOX. Not for The House or Senate oust. I would not vote for him nor her. But forced to choose, I’m with her. I will not vote for Donald Trump. I can not choose him, Campaign Stump.
Would you? Could you? For Mike Pence? Just ignore, “We’ll build a fence”.
–I would not, could not for Mike Pence. I can’t ignore, a wall or fence.
You may vote him, you will see. You’ll change your mind, yes-sir-ee.
–I would not, could not, can’t you see? Campaign stump, just let me be. I will not simply check the box, I won’t choose “endorsed by FOX”. I will not vote him to save The House, or to avoid a Senate oust . I would not vote for him nor her. But forced to choose, I’m with her. I do not like The Donald Trump. I can not vote him, Campaign Stump.
The Party! The Party! The Party! Could you, would you, for your party?
–I will not vote him for The Party. I just won’t do it, Campaign, let me be. I would not, could not check that box. I would not, could not, just for FOX. I will not vote just to save The House, or avoid a Senate oust. I can not vote for him nor her But forced to choose, I’m with her. I do not like the Donald Trump. I can not vote him, Campaign Stump.
Genealogy Jen’s Challenge of the Week- How passionate were your ancestors about politics? Record a memory of a relative’s political activism or apathy. Hopefully it will be a welcome distraction from current politics.