I’m afraid of becoming a hoarder

I’m afraid of becoming a hoarder

I know that I struggle with executive functioning skills. The Cerebral Executive Officer that runs my brain can be pretty incompetent. Her job is to put order to chaos, prioritize my competing priorities, and make sure that stuff gets done… especially the jobs that no one wants to do like cleaning my bathroom.

The Freedom in Being Fired

The Freedom in Being Fired

It was the most important thing my supervisor told me when I was fired, because it was true, and nearly two decades later, it’s still true.

To My Son’s Teacher on the Last Day of School

To My Son’s Teacher on the Last Day of School

Thank you – for communicating with me about what you were working on each week, and how I could support that learning at home. Thank you for understanding that I did read the newsletter, even if it was still in the ziploc bag for days. Sometimes it just took me awhile to do it.

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