I Thought I Could, and I Did

I Thought I Could, and I Did

Running a marathon taught me that it is possible to do something I have put off for over two decades. I have learned to be braver, even if I have to fake it until I believe it. Running a marathon taught me that I can do anything.

5 Tips to keep your New Year’s Resolutions

5 Tips to keep your New Year’s Resolutions

I look forward to greeting the New Year and setting goals for myself.  I love goal setting (and reaching them is even better.) Here are my 5 best tips to keep your New Year’s Resolutions for 2018. 5. Don’t just think it, ink it. – Write your goal...
Day one

Day one

As habitual quitter, you know that it’s not day one the that’s hard. It’s the next day, and the day after, and the rest of the days that you are trying to change. You know, because you have had a lot of day ones.

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