My Utopian Fantasy

My Utopian Fantasy

Settings vary slightly. Bare feet anchored to the mat, I twist my body to mimic the the Yogi’s form and align chakras. Re-positioning feet on the sailboat. Greek air rumbles past my ears like the soothing rhythm of a box fan. No matter where I am, I am usually

I will name him Jacob

I will name him Jacob

Jacob is thirteen months old. He has dimples that appear when he chases his older brothers down the hallway, toddling to catch them without losing his balance. He’s so determined. And though none of us have red hair, he does. The woman at Albertson’s...
The First Time I Saw my Mother

The First Time I Saw my Mother

You were there my entire life, but I never saw you. As you are, without the layers of expectations of motherhood piled upon you. I took for granted until I was 37 that you were a person. Someone separate from the role that was defined by you giving birth…

Halloween Housewife

It has been difficult for me to balance the needs of my family with nurturing my mind, passions and personal development. My mind, hungers for constant intellectual stimulation. When you devote your time to a goal that isn’t easily quantifiable except by redundant tasks like neatly folded laundry and mopped floors, it can be easy to dismiss the value, contribution, or intellectual aptitude of a full time homemaker.

Transition times

Transition times

Our life transitions bring the valuable gift of time. It’s time to reevaluate our priorities, and to reflect on and set new goals. Sometimes, transitions encourage us to change a life path we are on, and choose another. It’s end as well as beginning of something new. New can be exciting, but when you

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