I will name him Jacob

I will name him Jacob

Jacob is thirteen months old. He has dimples that appear when he chases his older brothers down the hallway, toddling to catch them without losing his balance. He’s so determined. And though none of us have red hair, he does. The woman at Albertson’s...
How can I do family history work as a busy parent?

How can I do family history work as a busy parent?

I call myself Genealogy Jen. Six years ago, as a mom of triplet toddlers and a newborn, life seemed too busy for family history work. Read about small things you can do, no matter how busy you are, to share family history with your children.

Parenting and Potential

Parenting and Potential


It’s a word I think about a lot as a parent. What could my boys become someday? What can they accomplish? Who will they be? Parenting my gifted children, it feels like there are so many possibilities

How to Parent with Empathy

How to Parent with Empathy

I’ve learned this past year about how to parent with more empathy. It hasn’t been easy, and I still have a long way to go before I become the parent I aspire to be. Despite my inadequacies, I know that it is possible to be a better parent, and it is worth the effort it takes to become one.

To My Boys on the First Day of School,

To My Boys on the First Day of School,

To my boys on the first day of school,

I celebrated your first day of school this morning. I brought a cooler with sparkling apple-grape cider, and plastic champagne glasses to school today. I was poppin’ bottles, and I had toasts with some of my mom-friends in the elementary school hallway. Your dad commented to several parents, about how excited I was for school to…

The Gifted Brain and Sensory Processing Disorder

The Gifted Brain and Sensory Processing Disorder

I leaned my back against the wall, and slid down to the floor. I let the sobs overwhelm me, and match the volume of my son who was kicking and screaming on the hardwood floor beside me.

I felt completely inadequate as a mother.

I had heard people joke about the terrible twos, but I knew that this was different.

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