What happened to Genealogy Jen? Update
I’ve been absent from my blog for several months now. Here’s why.
I’ve been absent from my blog for several months now. Here’s why.
I appreciate that you are spending your moments with me. And there are a lot of other writers out there who don’t start a sentence with a conjunction. Or make a sentence fragment a whole sentence. Like I do…
“Maybe you should charge him a nickel. You’re the one that’s having the financial issues right now. You could probably use it.”
She must have seen the stunned expression on my face through the shadows in the van.
She said she was just joking, but I didn’t see the humor. No one laughed.
Being brave to me isn’t skydiving for my 40th birthday, or climbing a mountain. That would be less daunting than issues that rock my core, and cause night terrors. My fears are the things I don’t usually talk about, but leave me feeling exhausted and paralyzed with in action. I’m ready to change that.
Someday, when I look back, I’ll see how much I’ve changed and grown on the inside. Even if no one else notices, I will and that is all that will matter to me. – Jennifer Goff age 13