Repurposed Genealogy by Genealogy Jen is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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All the content in my blog is my intellectual property.
Please, don’t scrape my content… ever. These are my thoughts and ideas. Plus, it’s just a crummy thing to do, and I don’t want to waste my time tracking you down…but I will.
If you want to re-blog my blog to yours, highlight it somehow, or a particular post, please just give your readers a blog name or post title if it’s something specific, and link them directly back to my blog. I would love the exposure to your audience.
If you need a little more to entice your readers, you may also use my hand crafted post excerpts with full attribution to Genealogy Jen and Repurposed Genealogy. A girl’s gotta leave a bit of mystery and reason to come back for more.
If you want me to write a guest post for you about a specific topic, or want to use a specific post in it’s entirety with proper attribution to me, and link directly to my site, that would be rad. Please contact me for my written permission and to work out the details.
All photos, ideas and words are copyrighted by me unless otherwise noted. No stealing! That includes “borrowing” like you did with your sister’s new white jeans when you were in 8th grade. You accidentally spilled ketchup on them at lunch, when you were eating your fries, and ruined them. You didn’t ask her first, because you didn’t think she would mind. But she totally did, and I will too. True story.
If you’ve read one of my posts, and are like snap! She totally snagged my stuff! Let me know. I promise I am not malevolent. I’ll make it right.
Glad all, that’s out of the way! Carry on…
Genealogy Jen Campbell