Repurposed Genealogy - Not Your Grandma's Genealogy
Genealogy Jen's life stories, and how to connect with dead relatives... but not in a creepy way.Developing Resiliency During Crisis
We don’t choose the trials that are part of our collective human existence. We can choose how we deal with them.
The Genealogy Grind
This is it... the genealogy grind. It's the part that we don't talk about when we announce the name of a found ancestor. The genealogy grind takes time. It's the hours staring at a computer screen at 2 am, hoping that the pieces of research come together. It is the...
The case for keeping your gifted child in Public School
I’ve read a lot about it. There is a mass exodus of gifted children from public education. It troubles me as a parent with gifted children in public
My Intuition’s 5 Signs of Impending Doom
Like most people, the first half of my 20’s were filled with so many bad decisions that I lost count. At over 40, I’ve realized there are 5 signs of impending doom my intuition gives me to prevent potentially horrible decisions. 1. I feel pressured/ anxious about an...
Longing for Belonging
To everyone who feels like a misfit, Maybe, it's because you see other people's eyes glaze over whenever you try to share something that you're passionate about. Maybe, it's because every time you attend a social event, it reminds you of the pit you felt in your...
Bear their burdens with ease
I stared at the split beam, on the house we were less than 24 hours away from closing on, and tried to piece together what he was saying in my mind. My worst fear had happened. That’s not lucky.
New FamilySearch Feature
I noticed the announcement tucked in the blog post of upcoming features to be released by FamilySearch this year. It was the second item on the list. "The free FamilySearch Family Tree will give users the ability to record other relationships to an...
I’m a white girl, but all my role models are black women
My role models are courageous women throughout history I’ve read about in books. They are artists, entrepreneurs, friends, and women who have influenced my genealogy research skills.
I’m a white girl, but all my role models are black women.
RootsTech Pass Give Away Winner
It was really a tough decision you guys. I wish that there was some sort of extra discount code I could give you, or that I had enough money to give you all a few dollars towards your ticket cost.
Be ye therefore perfect
I don’t know when the first time was that I heard that scripture in a talk or lesson in church as a child, but I remember how it made me feel. I felt discouraged and inadequate. I wanted to