What you can win…
One Grand Prize Retail (Value $544 USD)
A one year Ancestry.com World Explorer Subscription, 4 hours genetic genealogy or family tree research from Genealogy Jen- includes 30 minute initial consultation, research and follow up, and one Family Tree DNA Family Finder DNA test
One First Prize (Value $210 USD)
Includes TWO 23 and Me Ancestry DNA tests shipped to your doorstep (US residents only)
Three Runner Up Prizes (Value $85 each) -Family Tree DNA Family Finder test shipped to your home (US residents only)
Total Prize giveaway retail value Over $1,000 USD
Click to View Repurposed Genealogy 2nd Blogiversary $1000 giveaway Official Rules
You can enter to win on my blog sidebar, footer, or on any one of the pop ups on my blog.
I know pop ups are super annoying, and I probably have too many, but I needed to get your attention, and all of the marketing articles I read said to do it anyway. You can blame them if you’re annoyed. A month from now, it will be totes worth it when I announce you as a winner, right?
(I know I shouldn’t use the word totes, unless I’m talking about the bins I store stuff in. It’s totes annoying.)
If you are one of my amazing email subscribers already, Thank You! I’ve got your back, and you’re already entered to win.
If you Follow my blog on WordPress, I still need you to subscribe via email address or you won’t win a prize.
I won’t spam you or sell your information.
If you have a blog and win, I’ll add a link to your blog and profile in my winner’s announcement in June.
My goal for the giveaway is to celebrate this milestone, connect with you better as my reader, and highlight what you’re most interested in reading from me.