Thank you so much for sharing my journey over the past two years on Repurposed Genealogy.
I am happy to announce the winners of my 2nd Blogiversary Giveaway.
Congratulations to Tierra from Maryland! She won a Family Tree Family Finder DNA kit.
Tierra is a genealogy blogger, and I actually know her in real life!
I met her in person for the first time at RootsTech genealogy conference, this past year. I took her as my guest to the MyHertiage after party. We had a blast!
You can check out her blog here:
Congratulations to Amy from Utah! She won a Family Tree Family Finder DNA kit.
Amy is also a fellow genealogy blogger. You can check out her blog here:
Congratulations to Lexi from Texas! She also won a Family Tree Family Finder DNA kit.
My grand prize winner Betsy is also from Texas! Congratulations Betsy on winning an Ancestry World membership, a DNA kit, and 4 hours of consultation time with me. She couldn’t believe she won the grand prize. I look forward to helping her with her family history.
Thank you all so much for subscribing to my blog, for reading and sharing my words, and for just being you.