Day one
As habitual quitter, you know that it’s not day one the that’s hard. It’s the next day, and the day after, and the rest of the days that you are trying to change. You know, because you have had a lot of day ones.
The Freedom in Being Fired
It was the most important thing my supervisor told me when I was fired, because it was true, and nearly two decades later, it’s still true.
Jen’s top 6 tips for survial in a post apocalyptic world
Whether it’s destruction by zombies, natural disaster hubris of mankind, the influx of movies, books and TV shows about the end of the world prove I’m not the only one who enjoys them. Even if the end of the world never comes, it doesn’t hurt to be prepared… just in case. Here are my top 6 tips for survival in a post apocalyptic world.
Rediscovering Writing
Someday, when I look back, I’ll see how much I’ve changed and grown on the inside. Even if no one else notices, I will and that is all that will matter to me. – Jennifer Goff age 13
Halloween Housewife
It has been difficult for me to balance the needs of my family with nurturing my mind, passions and personal development. My mind, hungers for constant intellectual stimulation. When you devote your time to a goal that isn’t easily quantifiable except by redundant tasks like neatly folded laundry and mopped floors, it can be easy to dismiss the value, contribution, or intellectual aptitude of a full time homemaker.
Transition times
Our life transitions bring the valuable gift of time. It’s time to reevaluate our priorities, and to reflect on and set new goals. Sometimes, transitions encourage us to change a life path we are on, and choose another. It’s end as well as beginning of something new. New can be exciting, but when you