Keeping up With the Twinkies

Keeping up With the Twinkies

Before, you discount my intellect, or roll your eyes, and click on a different article to read, let me share why you should add more reality television to your media consumption routine, and how it may broaden your knowledge base, like it has mine.

My Commitment for Black History Month

My Commitment for Black History Month

My commitment for Black History month is that I will transcribe every document I have until all the names of enslaved people are recorded. I’m starting this month.

My RootsTech Recap and Focus on My Future

My RootsTech Recap and Focus on My Future

I had an amazing birthday week. I enjoyed spending time with my genealogy peeps at the world’s largest genealogy conference RootsTech.  I loved it. The best part for me, was the connections that I made with people. I love to write, and have always felt awkward...
Becoming fearless and facing 40

Becoming fearless and facing 40

I have become more comfortable in my own skin. There are still things that I want to change about myself, and I will continue to work on those things through out my life. I am proud of who I have become over the past year, and I see possibilities for my future in a way that I didn’t before.

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